An Old Christmas Music Video Has Surfaced Showing The "Costco Guys" Family Have Been Trying To Hit The Jackpot For A Decade
Oh no....I'm not sure what to think here. But what this clip is, if you click on it, is a Christmas music video from the "Costco Guys" family dating a long wayyyyy back. The caption says 1987 but that simply can't be right. It's called sarcasm, although I know not everyone understands that in the world today. However, assuming the kids in the video are the brother and sister that the videos feature today, I'm guessing it was like 10-12 years ago? Either way, I'm torn on my reaction to seeing this. On one hand, I do find it pretty weird and unfortunate that from a surface level, it appears AJ and his wife have been trying to hit the jackpot of internet fame (and money) for a very, very long time. And they're willing to use their kids however needed. I mean, the 12 year old in today's videos is clearly listening to his parents....think about when they were like 2? And that's the only negative I'm going to mention or insinuate in this blog, because from what I actually see with my own eyes, the Dad appears to have a pretty kind heart. Maybe this music video was just to show at the Family Christmas Party?
The other way to look at this is with complete and utter respect for the family. They didn't wake up one more and make Costco videos with double chunk chocolate cookies and chicken bakes and hit it big. No, they're been perfecting their craft for quite some time. They knew they were onto something with taking big bites of food and screaming / singing into the camera, so they just bided their time. Stay ready so you don't have to get ready. And when TikTok came around and the opportunity presented itself, AJ and Big Justice and the mom and sister all cashed the fuck in:
Listen I finally got to the point where I can get a few bucks for videos that do well on my TikTok, and let me say this: if my math is correct, this family is cleaning the fuck up with these videos. Forget the sponsorships and partnerships that I'm sure they have coming out the ass (Costco HAS to be paying them 7 figures for all this daily promotion, no?)…..just from views alone, I bet they're making $50K a month. Someone needs to get Jack Mac or Moobie on the line and let us know what a few million view video does….and then multiple that shit by 20 because this family is out here dropping 49 MILLION VIEW videos. Not to be confused with their 26 million, 6 million, or lowly 4 million videos they seem to get to pretty regularly.
One thing that's none of my business but I'd sure as hell like to know is what is happening with this money? I've always wondered what the agreement is like for families that make money from content, or even child stars in general. Again, the Dad seems like a great guy from what the camera shows, but everyone knows AJ ain't doing shit without Big Justice booming! If it weren't for the kids in the video, the Dad would be a huge weirdo. And it's not just Big Justice….don't forget The Rizzler!!!!!
A fucking content machine! If the Costco Guys aren't getting my man what he deserves, maybe Portnoy sign The Rizzler to a contract? He does appear to have complete and utter "Fuck You Money" these days….