Women's Rubgy Player Ilona Maher Could Start For Every NFL Team Easily
This is why we love the Olympics. Every 4 years we tune in for sports we otherwise wouldn't think twice about and fall in love as a country with 1 person in particular. Name another speed skater besides Apolo Anton Ohno, you can't. But you'll never forget his name either. You probably don't follow women's gymnastics but every 4 years you can name the entire team. And now, Ilona Maher is your women's rubgy player you'll never forget. Looking like prime Derrick Henry out there. I don't know how many she started with, but she's currently up to 1.3 million followers on her IG. So maybe she was the most famous rugby player before this play, but now there's no question about it. One more truck stick like that and she'll be on the 20 dollar bill by the end of the year. USA! USA! USA!