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Do We Blog Joe Biden Dropping Out Of The Race?


Big discussion over here in Barstool Land. Dave always says we aren't a politics company. But obviously this presidential election is pretty massive for so many reasons and so wonky and filled with twists and turns Aaron Sorkin could only dream about. Dave obviously gets a little political on his Twitter and Fox News appearances, but for the blog we try to stay away from politics posts otherwise you'll have Dante writing manifestos every 3 hours until the FBI raids his apartment. Since the day I was hired the mantra has always been something like "be the place people come for jokes to get away from the real world serious stuff". But often when the entire world is focused on one subject, like the presidential election, it's tough to stay away.

So I don't know- do we blog Biden dropping out the race? Historically it's a huge deal so it feels right to put something up on Barstool about it. You can post it without taking a stance or making it political. Sort of like when Trump was shot, same thing. 

And then the next question is, do we post some of the funny tweets? Like I had this one:


Banger city. And there's so many more tweets/memes going around that gave me a good chuckle. It's sort of nice that when we are in the midst of a major event you can count on the psychos of the X app to be absolutely hilarious. Kinda puts everything in perspective that while politics consumes so many people's brains, there's still a lot of people who just want to live a fun life and not be so brain rotten. 

I guess the answer is to post this blog and then just let the comment sections creatures battle it out down there. Win-win.