Forget Rappers Beefing. Now We Have Rocker Noel Gallagher Telling Dave Grohl To Go Fuck Himself, After Telling Him To Suck His Dick
The Sun - That wasn’t the only thing that irked Noel either, after he spotted Foo Fighters' Dave Grohl in the crowd.
The pair haven’t seen eye to eye after Dave mocked Noel for having a less successful solo career than bro Liam.
Noel said: “I did actually bump into Dave. He was about 3ft away from me when I was watching LCD Soundsystem and he was staying in the same hotel I was staying in.
“I would just like him to wind his f***ing neck in about Oasis. I wouldn’t talk to him. I haven’t got time for that f***ing mob any more.
“I haven’t got f**k all to say to him. He’s our kid’s mate anyway.”
You gotta love it. It seems like everybody in music is pissed off at each other these days. Mostly rappers. But now we can add rock gods Dave Grohl and Noel Gallagher to the list of artists quarreling thanks to Noel's crazy ass going off about Dave, (and The Glastonbury Festival) this week, reigniting his very one-sided fued.
I speak English, obviously, but not British English, so this was a bit confusing. So I asked Google -
What does "wind your neck in" mean?
As for the part about his kid's mate- I think that's in reference to Grohl being boys with Noel's little brother Liam., who Noel still holds the world's most ridiculous grudge against.
Grohl co-wrote, and played on, Liam Gallagher's 2022 single "Everything’s Electric."
Far Out Mag - Noel Gallagher loves nothing more than a war of words, and Dave Grohl is somebody who knows the venomous wrath of the formal Oasis man all too well. The height of the tension between the two musicians, however, arrived when Gallagher invited him to “suck my dck” after growing irritated by on-stage comments made by the Foo Fighters singer.
Grohl is a fan of Oasis, but less so of Noel, and his contempt is understandable after the slew of insults he’s been forced to bat off from the elder Gallagher brother. Grohl is firmly part of ‘Team Liam’, who has supported Foo Fighters in recent years, and he’s even joined them to cover ‘Come Together’ by The Beatles.
The former Nirvana drummer told QMRQ, “It’s over. If it was a competition, it’s over. Liam is selling out massive stadiums, number one hits, huge albums. All the kids want to be him. I loved Oasis, but nobody wants to be Noel, do they? I’m in a great band but even I want to be Liam.”
Not only did drummer Taylor Hawkins don a drum kit with the faces of the Gallagher brothers, but he also told the crowd: “One of these days we’ll get Oasis back. One of these days”.
Grohl then added: “We’re trying. How many people wanna see Oasis fucking play a show?” The two then asked the audience how many would be willing to sign a petition to make the ultimate Britpop reunion happen.
When Noel played in San Diego a few days later, he addressed the situation and asked: “Is anyone gonna sign that petition Dave Grohl wants to get together to get us back together? I hereby start a petition to break up the Foo Fighters. Anyone free can fucking sign it. If the fucking drummer from Nirvana wants to get Oasis back together, he can come up on-stage and suck my fucking dick anytime he likes.”
Grohl, (and Hawkins) responded at the time, pointing out how less successful Noel was than his brother doing the solo thing.
In response, Hawkins called Gallagher a “jerk” on Radio X and also found it demeaning that he referred to Grohl as “the drummer from Nirvana”, which he said was a strategic move “to lower him”.
He said: “I was being protective of my friend Dave Grohl really, Noel said some s and he’s always talked s* about us so instead of being politically correct… Nah f* that guy.”
He also highlighted Liam’s solo success, and added: “Liam’s having a lot of success. I mean, he’s doing two nights at The O2 Arena. Do you think that Potato Gallagher and the Low Charting Turds could do two nights at The O2 Arena.”
Before the salty escapade occurred, Gallagher had a history with Grohl, and in 2017 told Virgin Radio, “Rock music, or whatever you want to call it, it seems to be a lot of shouting about some unspecified injustice. Dave Grohl, for instance, what’s he on about? He’s not shouting about anything.”
Noel is crazy as fuck. He used to make me laugh by being such an uptight, loud-mouthed prick. But now it's just annoying.
Everybody in the world used to think Liam was the problem child who couldn't be controlled, no matter how hard older brother Noel tried. And that Liam was the reason the band broke up. I'm not saying that he's innocent of wrongdoing by any means, but time has shown that Noel is the real dickhead in this whole thing. The entire world wants Oasis to get back toegther. Even Liam, as shocking as that once was to think. He's ready and has been throwing the olive brand out there publcly for Noel to accept for over a year now.

In fact, Liam's almost done a complete 180 of sorts, taking every opportunity he can to heap praise on his older brother he used to despise.
Dave Grohl, arguably the nicest guy in the music business, commented that he (and the late Taylor Hawkins) want to see the Manchester brothers kiss-and-make-up, and get back to making rock and roll, and Noel flies off the handle and tells him to suck his dick? Relax amigo.
Noel's turned into the old man with a bazillion dollars in the bank who is set for life, revered the world over for his musical accomplishments, and has essentially "made it", yet couldn't be more pissed off at everything in the world. His beloved soccer team Manchester City even went from basement dwellers of the Premier League to champions. What has this guy got to be mad about?
In the same interview with The Sun, he set his target on The Glastonbury Festival, (arguably the greatest music fest on the entire planet), and unloaded.

“Don’t get me wrong, I fing love Glastonbury,” Noel said. “I think it’s one of the most important things. In fact it’s probably the best fing thing about Britain apart from the Premier League.
“It’s getting a bit woke now, that place, and a bit kind of preachy and a bit virtue-signalling. I don’t like it in music — little fing idiots waving flags around and making political statements and bands taking the stage and saying, ‘Hey guys, isn’t war terrible, yeah? Let’s all boo war. Fk the Tories man,’ and all that.
“It’s like, look — play your fing tunes and get off.”
Political statements were rife at this year’s Glasto, which is famous for being the most liberal and peace-loving festival on Earth.
Noel added: “It’s too much. Donate all your money to the cause — that’s it, stop yapping about it.
“Let’s just say for instance the world is in a bit of a fed up place and you’re all in a field in Glastonbury. What’s the problem with that? I haven’t got a problem with it.
“I guess if you’re 18 and you’re middle class you might have a problem with it.
“But what’s all the kids in a field at Glastonbury going to do about it?
“Everybody knows what’s going on in the f*ing world, you’ve got a phone in your pocket that tells you anyway. “What is the point of virtue-signalling?”
(He's not wrong btw)
Can't everybody just get along and get the band back together? Announce a reunion tour kicking off with Glastonbury, swing through America, or don't. We'll come to you. Do a week of shows at Knebworth and make bukoo bucks. If Guns n Roses can bury the hatchet for the sake of their fans, and fortune, Oasis certainly can.