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I Am Moving On From Pardon My Take

Today was my last episode on Pardon My Take. 

This isn’t a decision that was made in the last few days or weeks. Big Cat, PFT, and I have been talking a lot behind the scenes over the last 3-4 months about what is best for me and my career in the long run. And at the end of the day, it’s simple: I am moving on to go all-in on pursuing my dream.


When I first interviewed with the guys in the summer of 2019 (you can watch the full interview below. I know it is blurry), they asked me where I saw myself 5-10 years from now. My answer, without hesitation, was that I wanted to be a national network play-by-play broadcaster. That goal has not changed, and I do not try to hide it. I think every Award Winning Listener knows that.

To be transparent with you all, one of the biggest reasons why I am moving on from the show is that our company is no longer pursuing live broadcast rights. It is no secret that being a broadcaster for those events was my bread and butter here, and I am fortunate to have gotten some incredible reps on this massive platform over the last five years. 


If you were to tell me that I would have the opportunity to call multiple bowl games on national television, a handful of D-I college basketball games, professional golf, hockey, and more, all because of an internship that started with mocking Darren Rovell, I never would have believed you.

But with those built-in opportunities no longer on the table here, the timing of this transition makes sense to do it right now. Making the jump at the beginning of the summer allows myself to become FULLY AVAILABLE to call games in the fall, which is obviously peak sports season. In a perfect world, I’m in the booth calling college football in September. Will that happen? I don’t know. But moving on from the show at this time can only increase those odds. 

I want to take some time to individually thank Big Cat, PFT, and Hank. In a very, very difficult and competitive business, you guys gave me a shot and welcomed me onto your massive platform for five years and put me on the map. I owe you forever for giving me the break of a lifetime and can’t wait to see you guys continue do great things with this show. I also can’t forget about the hardest working crew in sports media: the Pardon My Take producers: Max, Memes, Pug, and Shane. And, of course, Billy, Jilly, and Liam back in New York.


Thank you to the AWL’s. Every single in-person interaction I’ve had with you guys has been amazing, and I really appreciate your support. I hope to continue seeing and meeting a lot of you out and about as I move on with my career. 


I know I am a small part of Pardon My Take, but for the past five years, this has been a big part of my life and career. That is not going to change.


There have been so many fantastic memories since I joined the show in 2019, and I want to make it abundantly clear that I regret absolutely nothing. I am proud of what I brought to the table on this show. I know it deviates from what a lot of PMT is about, but I always held true to being myself and 100% authentic. My friends and family will tell you that what you saw from me three times a week for five years is exactly how I operated when the cameras weren’t rolling, too. And I think that is very important. I’ve learned how to grow thick skin here. Given the size of this platform, it’s the only option. That’s a life lesson that I will hold onto forever. 


I am fortunate that Big Cat, PFT, and Dave are keeping me employed with Barstool Sports for the next few months as I continue this search for the next chapter of my career. I am very thankful for that. I’ll still be active on social media, writing for the website, making golf videos, etc. 


I’m looking for someone to give me a chance in this business in the booth, just like Pardon My Take gave me a shot five years ago. And I know the first step to making that happen is showing my full availability and flexibility to call games. 


Thank you, Pardon My Take, for the best five years of my life.