
The Browns 5th String Running Back Is A Huge Asshole For Making This Grandma Run All The Way To 1st Base Before Forcing Her Out At The Last Second

Ain't no fucking way that happened. I reached to clean off my glasses to make sure I was seeing this correctly, realized I wasn't wearing any, and then settled for dusting off my computer screen. Did I just witness the Cleveland Browns invite this poor old Grandma to their Celebrity Softball Game, allow her to hit the ball, make her run 90 feet as the crowd and her sweet grandson cheered her on, only to have John Kelly Jr. step on the base at the last second?

Yes, yes I did.

Let me say this: BAAAAAAD juju from the Browns. I want Positive Vibes Only heading into this season, as I truly think we can win the Super Bowl, but treating old ladies like this….not good. Especially from our 5th string RB? I mean, it'd be one thing if Nick Chubb did this, but….wait. No, Nick Chubb would never do this. This was a huge asshole move.

NOW, I am hoping that perhaps this was staged? First of all, that's not just any old Grandma there. That's Ohio native Ross Smith and his famous Grandma, who have a mere 24 million TikTok followers.

They're always doing crazy stunts and doing things like getting 68,000,000 views. Funny couple. But PERHAPS they knew this was coming? Because like, what was she going to do next? Run to 2nd base? I mean, it took her a legitimate 25 seconds to get to 1st Base, so maybe this was for the best? She was going to have to get tagged out at some point, but if this was truly the Browns 5th string running back thinking he was funny…..ouch.