
Arike Ogunbowale Says If You Don't Like The Physicality Of The WNBA, Then You Should "Go Watch Golf"

And you can keep the daily Barstool WNBA blog streak going...we're going for DiMaggio's record! But listen, I really wanted to keep scrolling. I really wanted to leave this alone. I don't want to be a hater. I want to grow the game. But God damn this is such a stupid take from.....hold on let me go back to Twitter for a second.....copy, paste.....Arike Ogunbowale.

I'm not even going to address the fact 99.9% of the internet (maybe even higher) all turned into Owls when they saw who said this.

Giphy Images.

And I'm not even going to address that 99.9% of the internet (maybe even higher) turned into Michelle Tanner when they, after figuring out who Arike Ogunbowale was, saw that she was suggesting fans stop watching the WNBA and go watch golf.

Giphy Images.

And the last thing I want to do is make the obviously correct point that for a league that struggles so much (and complains so much) about getting more attention….why would you suggest fans go elsewhere? 

But what I am going to do is take a moment out of my busy schedule this morning to say how fucking annoyed I am that these WNBA players continue to think the fans are complaining about the "physical play" of the league, when referring to Chennedy Carter's cheap shot on Caitlin Clark. 

I'm getting fired up myself just trying to imagine if…hold on lemme go find it again…..Arike Ogunbowale actually believes what she's saying. If so, I'll just ask one question: how can you be so dumb?

First of all, that is not physical play. Physical play is, within the game of basketball, playing tough. I have zero problem with hard fouls to send a message. Even if that means Caitlin Clark cuts through the paint and she gets an elbow check to the chest to say, no you'll run around the key next time. FINE! That's basketball. But what Chennedy Carter did was a cheap shot, outside of the whistle, and there's simply no other way to put it. And THAT'S what people have a problem with…..not tough defense, hard fouls, loose balls, taking charges, or diving on the floor. I can't believe I even have to say that? Newsflash: literally NO ONE gives a fuck about the physical play of the WNBA. Not one person on the entire planet watched that clip and said….ugh, the WNBA is too physical! 

"Go watch golf"

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