
For The First Time Since Returning To Cleveland In 1999 (And In My Lifetime), The Browns Have Extended Their Head Coach And GM

WELL DESERVED!!!! These Stefanski / Berry led Browns have the highest winning percentage (.552) for the team over a four-year stretch since fucking 1986 to 1989. I've never in my life seen a Browns head coach and GM get extended, so today is a monumental day in my Cleveland sports memory. I might pop a few Great Lakes to commemorate the occasion.

And listen, hand up, I've complained about Kevin Stefanski before. I won't run away from that fact. I also want it on record that I've said, multiple times, that he's the best Head Coach in the NFL. That's called being a fan. But yes, there were times over the past few years where he was simply too fancy with his play-calling, acting like he was so much smarter than everyone else that he would do shit like throwing the ball 4x from the goal line instead of just running the football into the endzone.....when we had the best running game in the entire NFL. But EITHER WAY, the more the evidence has piled up, I have my official stance on Kevin Stefanki: I fucking love him.

* I don't need to explain myself with Andrew Berry. I've said since Day 1, and I will continue to shout from the mountaintops, that we hit the lottery with this guy. Every single move he makes it gold. Well, except one, so far....

But the jury is still out....well, at least in football terms....on this deal. The Texans may look like the early winners after the first 2 seasons, but it's the first to get to the Super Bowl, in my opinion, that will win the war. And as of Wednesday June 5th, 2024.....I think it's the Cleveland Browns.

If I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times: this truly is our year. If we can stay healthy, which is a huge IF in Cleveland these days, this is the year where our Coaching, Front Office, Skill Positions, Line, and Defense are all elite. No bullshit here. The only two things that concern me are that: 1.) we can become the most injured team in NFL history for the second season in a row. And 2.) we play in hands down the toughest division in the sport. 

I think if the NFL all played random schedules and then a 32 team tournament, all 4 teams would clearly make the Sweet 16, and 3 of them have a very good chance of making the Final 4. So while I do feel the Browns have the best roster and situation in the North, it's going to be tough to get the #1 seed in the AFC when we have to play the Ravens, Bengals, and Steelers 2x each. No doubt in my mind that we make the playoffs, but the difference between going to Kansas City in the AFC Championship or them coming here will be huge. 

Anyways, that's a song and dance for another day. Congrats to Coach Stefanski and Andrew Berry on their well deserved extensions.