
Move Over Oakland A's....The College World Series Has Given Us A New Front Runner For Worst Play-By-Play Call Of The Year

So Jack Mac blogged this just over a month ago, calling it the worst play-by-play call in the history of baseball, as well as perhaps all of sports. In my opinion, he undersold how bad it truly was. But either way, the incredibly talented Jenny Cavnar got back into the lab, and just under a month later, she submitted another gem for worst call since sports were invented.

Cavnar truly has already etched herself in history as one of the all-time greats in bad calls, but just when I thought this was going to turn into Tiger Woods rolling through the field like it was the year 2000, enter Dani Wexelman during the James Madison vs. South Carolina game in the NCAA Baseball Tournament.

* It must be noted that at the 17 second mark in this video, the Pitcher makes quite the back snag.

But that's not the point of this blog. The point of this blog, with all due respect, is that I had 12-year-old students come up with more clever and accurate ways to describe things than this. Comically bad. Did she do this off the cuff, or was it planned? I leaned toward the former, giving her the benefit of the doubt, but then she doubled down on it later in the game!


Somehow that's even worse than the first one. Describing the color of the object that the baseball lands on, and calling it the favorite color of the batter. "Mike Mancini's favorite color is green….and it landed on the green grass". Unbelievable. Like, am I missing a joke here? Or is Mancini's favorite color actually green? I really hope it is, because if she's making that up just for her signature line, that's a huge swing and a miss.