
SHIT: Ranger Suarez AKA The Best Pitcher In Baseball Just Got SMOKED By A Line Drive And Exits The Game

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Come the hell on, God. Not Ranger. Take my arm instead. Or just the hand as the people in the "Know" are saying left hand contusion. If that's just a bruise on the ol' mitt then, OK. I think? I'm no doctor (or even a righter) but that's certainly better than what damage that 106mph cock rocket back to the mound could've been. We're talking at minimum a shattered forearm. Maybe even the entire damn limb. But a little black & blue? That's the BEST case scenario out of this scene. You know Ranger's in pain when he actually takes less than 2 sec to field and throw the ball. The dude is usually as suave as can be with the glove. 

And, of course, this happens just a week after this blog. Even if he loses his entire pitching arm I will still stand by that statement. 


Get better soon, Ranger. In the meantime The Fightins are on track to get ya the MLB leading win #10 on the season. Sonny Gray got his dickens kicked in early and hopefully the bullpen holds up to get Suarez the W. Go Phils.