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This Video Of Trent And Fat Perez Debating About Cinnamon Rolls Should Win Every Award Known To Man

I don’t want to overreact or anything here, but this is the perfect video. It sums up everything that’s perfect about being a dude on the golf course. In fact, you should show this video to your significant other just to prove this is what guys talk about while golfing. 

That said, everyone in this video here is right. Cinnamon rolls are delicious. They don’t really have a counterpart and I too would like to buy some acreage in cinnamon roll-ville. But perhaps the person who deserves an award?

Frankie Borelli. 

There’s never been someone who realized he was out of place faster than our very own Frankie. We all have a friend who blurts out his bag of sand moment and realizes he’s stuck in a spot no one wants to be in. The moment angel food left his mouth everyone knew he stood no chance.

 It’s why Trent hits him with this look

Credit to Frankie for at least leaving and letting the big guys do their thing. But again, this is the beauty of a golf course. This is the beauty of being around with the boys. The majority of our conversations are pointless, dumb, perfect things like this.

It’s eye opening seeing experts talk about their passion. That happened here. The world needs to see the talk about cinnamon rolls, a delicious treat.