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Terrence Howard Went On Joe Rogan And Spoke About His New Periodic Table, Gravity Being Fake, And His Memory From His Mother's Womb In An Absolutely WILD 3 Hour Podcast

Terrence Howard's appearance on Joe Rogan was a wild, wild ride. A ride that I didn't know I was getting on....and at the end of it, I had no idea what to think. 

I am not a big science guy (shocker), so I couldn't even begin to understand what Terrence Howard was "refuting." Of course, I know the periodic table and what gravity is, but most of the podcast I was a lost man. 

Terrence kicked off the podcast by talking about being inside his mother's womb:

After that was 3 hours of science talk....with Joe Rogan randomly butting in to make it about COIVD (lol). 

The periodic table was the next topic, which Terrence Howard has changed:

The periodic table he is describing is the Walter Russel Periodic Table, which I had not heard of until listening to this podcast. Here is a look at it:

The best way to describe this entire podcast was it was either a schizophrenic break or Terrence Howard is the Albert Einstein of this generation. I'd lean closer to schizophrenic break, but I have been wrong before. 

Another topic of concern Terrence brought up was straight lines….yes straight lines. They're apparently an illusion?


This then leads to him debunking the Pythagorean Theorem?


He also went on to explain how he is behind the entire AR/VR world is based off of his invention?!? He cites the patents that he owns that are used by companies such as Microsoft, Amazon, etc. :

Oh, wait, I have gotten 223 words through this blog without mentioning how Terrence Howard is planning on killing gravity:

I probably missed 100 insane moments in this blog….if you somehow made it to this point, then I highly suggest that you go and watch. You may get a whole of a lot more out of it than I did. 

Just out of responsible blogging, I did want to share this tweet, which is refuting everything Terence is saying:
