
The NFL Really Dicked Over The Eagles Dirty With Their 2024 Schedule - AGAIN

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Sweet merciful heavens look at this buttfuckery delivered straight from Roger Goodell to the ass of the Philadelphia Eagles and the fanbase. Home opener on another continent? Check. Beyond early BYE in Week 5? Check. Wasting everyone's time with a game in Carolina when the Panthers should be forced to forfeit every game and give every team an extra week off? Check. Remember last season when the NFL had the Eagles play 3 games in 14 days which indirectly but definitely directly contributed to their epic collapse the second half of the season? 

Yup. Well, the Eagles are getting dicked dry by the league. Such is life. And so are a lot of other teams in this now 17 soon to be 170 game schedule. All our corporate overlords are even planning to come together for the NFL to play on Christmas this year via Netfix of all places.  

Amazon Prime, Nickelodeon, Paramount, Apple TV, Netflix, Barstool Gold. Fuck it. Just make the common man pay for it. Sure thing. As for playing on Xmas, not a big deal, right? The NFL has had no problem cucking the NBA/Santa before. However, in 2024, Christmas falls directly mid-week on a WEDNESDAY. Unreal move coming right for that MACTION turf. But seriously can't wait to hear the NFL continue to lie about player safety being is their #1 priority - AGAIN - while forcing some teams to play 3 games in like 14 days - maybe even more in less time. The full schedules for teams aren't announced just yet, but something like that is going to happen. It's comical at this point. All about that Al-ighty Ollar.

Whatever. The NFL already took a full day away from God and nobody said a thing. They can do whatever they want at this point and get away with it all. Wouldn't be surprised in a generation if everyone is pledging allegiance to These United States Of Goodell. Say it again for the people in the back, Mr. Wingo! 
