
Keon Coleman Continues His Incredible Media Tour, Is Asked To Name His 3 Favorite Snacks And Promptly Lists His Top 100

Keon Coleman, welcome to Team Ziti! I'm sorry, but you don't usually hear that high level breakdown of sweet treats unless Eddie and I go into a deep dive about snacks during a Dozen question or one of the dozen or so Dog Walk drafts I was on involving food. 

I immediately knew Keon was a true confectionary connoisseur because not only did he rattle off a bunch of different candies but he called the different flavor varieties by their color instead of their actual government name, let alone his list having some heavy hitters. Sour Punch Straws are elite no matter which color of the rainbow they are, Sweet Tart Ropes somehow revolutionized the candy game in a way I didn't know was possible in the year 2024, and Purple Skittles (Wild Berry for the basics at home) may somehow be better than the OG and definitely were back when Green Apple weaseled its way into the pack. 

I was ready to give Keon shit for not picking any salty or chocolate snacks, but if he was hammering those along with all the fruit snacks, he'd be the size of me and about as far from being an NFL wide receiver. So instead I will just politely say that Now & Laters are essentially the Rob Ryan of fruit candy to Rex Ryan's Starburst. They work in a pinch if you need something to tide you over, but aren't nearly as good or pack the same punch.

Anyway, I can't escape how much of an absolute breath of fresh air Keon Coleman must be for Bills fans, especially during a bloody offseason that had them moving on from some of their franchise's foundational pieces. They went from a WR1 that had them holding their collective breath every time he spoke or posted some cryptic shit on social media to an absolute delight that drops gold every time he opens his mouth.



Now all Keon needs to do is perform on the field and break the Bills Super Bowl curse, which should be easy to do if his football game is as good as his snack game (and his metabolism doesn't slow down because we all remember the last big FSU receiver with a sweet tooth passed through Buffalo).