That's All Folks! An Umpire Went Down Looney Tunes Style After A Bat Flip Clipped Him
Okay if the Social Team is going to drop "Looney Tunes" style on this one, then I'm assuming this Umpire doesn't have severe brain damage or any serious long term effects from this bat toss. And by Transitive Property, that means I'm allowed to laugh at this and blog about how funny it is. Only one problem: THERE'S NOTHING FUNNY ABOUT IT! (according to the replies on the original Twitter post)
You'd think that this batter just committed the worst crime you can commit these days: murder, sexual assault, showboating. How dare someone flip a bat like this? Cares more about the celebration than the hit itself! The game is all about style points and eye black now. Class isn't taught in the game anymore! You'd think their parents would teach these kids some respect, because you know the Pros aren't setting that example! Or my personal favorite, "Back in my day, throwing your bat was an automatic out!"
Blah, blah, blah, blah. This is a freak accident, and if anything, the only thing that should come out of it is the Umpire should win an Academy Award for the way he stumbled around.
Impeccably clear photo, I know. But the way he barely stays on his feet until he damn near goes perpendicular with the ground impressive. And I saw someone say that if the other team had half a brain, they'd wait until the dust settles and then appeal that the runner missed first base, giving the umpire the opportunity for the ultimate payback. I like that idea….all is fair between the 1st and 3rd base lines.
Although this entire issue is a completely moot point if this Umpire had his head on a swivel and some good hand-eye coordination…