
We Wore Our Riskiest Outfits On Friday And We All Looked Fantastic

We decided to get dressed up on Friday, but not just in any way. We wanted to wear our riskiest fashion options. We all brought 1-2 options and it got off to a strong start.

The only catch is we allowed, "Nope I do's". So if someone had a fit that we liked we could say "Nope I do" and swap outfits with them. While Big Cat liked his first fit, he liked Titus' more. 

Brandon was particularly feeling himself in his first outfit, but we couldn't let him feel good for more than a second.

I wore overalls, something I've always wanted to do. But when everyone saw me in them, they insisted I "Nope I do" Brandon, which was only fitting.

Suddenly Brandon's ass just disappeared…


This is just perfect.

Then KB blew us all away in an outfit only he could pull off.

A ton of fun was had. Look at how snazzy we all look!