
The World Has Been Told To Prepare Today For The Biggest Solar Storm In Nearly 20 Years, Potentially Disrupting GPS, Satellites, And The Power Grid System

NASA. Getty Images.

Looking to sign off from work today around lunch time and get a jump start on the weekend? Oh boy do I have good news for you!

(Daily Mail)  A rare and powerful solar storm may occur in outer space today which could wreak havoc on earth, officials have warned – the first in nearly 20 years if it happens.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) issued the Severe (G4) Geomagnetic Storm Watch late Thursday – the first such alert aired since 2005 when Earth was hit with the highest dose of radiation in a half-century.

This time around, the 'unusual event' could disrupt electronic devices like GPS and parts of power grids, NOAA said – while citing how it may also drape a huge portion of the country in a spectacular circle of light (an 'aurora'). 

In it, officials explained how the expulsions of matter and magnetic field from the celestial body's atmosphere could cause problems for millions of earthlings as soon as noon ET Friday.

For months Tommy Smokes has been telling me about how the U.S. power grid system is going to get shut off by terrorists and promptly send our society into chaos. Well, it seems the sun got word of this tomfoolery and didn't want to be left out of all the fun. The most powerful solar storm in nearly 20 years is on the way! So what does that mean? We could see damage to transformers as well as the lose of GPS and communications systems. There's the small possibility that this powerful solar storm knocks out the grid system and slips us into an era without electricity. Think about that? Your cell phone, rendered useless. The money in your bank account? Irrelevant. The internet? Wiped away. All because of the sun. The fucking sun. So fitting the Knicks are the midst of a magical run as this happens. 


Some examples of this happening? Back in 1989 this occured in Quebec, leaving them in darkness for nine hours without light or heat. The famous Carrington Event of 1859 involved a massive geostorm that left Earth silent from all telegraph communications for a little bit. 

In Nic Cage's 'Knowing' the whole planet was incinerated. 

Some good news? While we potentially slip back into the stone age, with endless chaos surely ensuing, you MIGHT be able to see the northern lights from your window. 

Pretty good trade off if you ask me! Just print out Barstool SafeMode and enjoy the show.

BIG day for anyone who keeps a ton of cash on them or that one guy at the AVN's Dave interviewed back in the day who didn't know porn was on the internet. Need an update on him.


Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to revisit my TBT blog from last night and try to archive some of these in case the end of the internet is upon us.