
Barstool SPORTS: Hailey Bieber Is Pregnant With Justin's Baby




Let me tell you guys a quick story. Back in 2017, Kylie Jenner announced she was pregnant. Like most normal people, nobody at Barstool Sports cared. Well, besides Dave. He cared. And he got BIG MAD that nobody blogged about it ASAP. He wrote:


Anyway I’m on a plane on my way to Iowa and figured I should weigh in since none of our other 30 employees thought we should have it up.


So let me be the first to say congrats to Justin and Hailey! 

And remember when Dave copied everything Justin did?


Well thankfully for he's no longer in his "copy everything Justin does" era because you know, he's infertile. 

PS: Pray for Selana amiright????