
Ron DeSantis Posed for a Photo Op and Accidentally Launched the Career of New Viral Sensation Calah Jackson

Scott Olson. Getty Images.

It's been a while since we've heard a whole heck of a lot from would-be President of these United States. His once-promising run for the White House was derailed by, among other things, the suspicion he was putting lifts into his boots to make himself look taller. Which is, I suppose, important? Because America's not about to let some some Hobbit get his grubby little sausage fingers on the nuclear button, or something?

Well it seems that what he's done since dropping out of the Presidential race is focus on the normal, mundane, non-height-related tasks of running one of the most populous states in the union. Which sometimes includes posing for pictures in front of a slab covered with absolutely delicious-looking cuts of prime, Grade-A beef, and staring intently at another man while he talks. And Gov. DeSantis proved he was very much up to the challenge:

And in doing so, he inadvertently launched someone into viral fame. That photo above has 24.1 million views. And with all due respect to our meat-packing industry and our cattle ranchers and farmers, it's not because of whatever legislation they were discussing:


OK, now that last Tweet has no place in this conversation. We can all agree that this attentive young lady with an interest in a ban on lab-grown meat possesses many of the qualities prized by the superficial man.

But for goodness sakes, gentlemen, let us try to maintain a sense of decorum as we go forward here. Thank you. 

Fortunately, it did not take long for the internet to discover who this food legislation enthusiast is. No sooner did the original photo go viral than the social media sleuths did their due diligence and locate her. Meet Reality TV star and Instagram sensation Calah Jackson. 

She appears on the USA Network/Peacock series The McBee Dynasty: Real American Cowboys. Which probably very few people before now had ever heard of, but will probably see its ratings go up exponentially after this one photo. As will her relatively paltry total of 90,000 IG followers. 



As an aside, remember a couple of months back when Jack Mac wrote about Hannah Barron, who also went viral because someone said more or less that there's nothing attractive about country women who do manual labor like working on a farm?

Yeah, about that …


It would appear that there are worse fates than going through life as the flesh-and-blood version of the girlfriend in every Country song about driving down a dirt road to a lake to drink while the sun sets, or what have you. Much, much worse fates. 

But I digress. That's not what we're hear to discuss. We're hear to celebrate Calah Jackson's coming out party. Like a Debutante being introduced into polite society, her presence has been announced. With authority. Hollywood is filled with old stories about some starlet being discovered by a film producer while she was working at a coffee shop or something. So there's nothing at all strange about the world finding out who you are while standing in the background listening to a guy talk to an elected official about meat. As Apollo Creed said, America is the land of opportunity. Here's hoping Calah Jackson makes the absolute most of the one she's just been given. 
