
Hall of Fame Smoke Rachel Cook Is The Best Farmer To Ever Farm


You guys know Rachel Cook, right? If not, get out from under that rock. She's a hall of fame smoke. One of the best to ever do it. And when I saw this breaking news today I dropped everything to share the news- Rachel is now a farmer and I'm ready to declare her the best farmer to ever farm. As a man who respects farmers as the backbones of America, it's great to see Rachel Cook continuing on the great tradition of the farmer. Tending to her crops, cultivating the land, harvesting the fruits of her labor, she's doing it all. 



Many are now calling her the "Caitlin Clark of the Farm". And I can't disagree. Nobody is farming like RC right now, and if I could buy a jersey, I would. Thank you, Rachel, for your blood, sweat, and tears down on the farm. America thanks you for your service. Namaste.


PS: I will quit right now and come farm too. I'll do it.



