
Promise Delivered: Jim Harbaugh Has Gotten His 15-0 Tattoo Like He Said He Would If Michigan Won The National Championship

So Jim Harbaugh told everyone after the National Championship that he promised his players that if they went 15-0 and won the whole thing that he's get a tattoo that said 15-0, with a block M as well, signifying not just Michigan but the roman numeral for 1,000 since they also just won the program's 1000th game.

I'm not going to get too far into but at this current moment if you look at the NCAA history books, the record does show that Michigan went 15-0 and won the National Championship. And Harbaugh has officially delivered his promise....

I can't even hate on this guy right now. My two biggest pieces of ammo if I were to hate on him would be:

1. That tattoo is fucking dumb. Even the biggest Michigan fans should agree with me here. I hope that isn't the finished copy. Then again, what else would you expect from Jim Harbaugh than the plainest tattoo of all time.

2. There's a very high likelihood that he needs to alter that tattoo in the next 3-5 years once the NCAA takes back both the 1000th win and the National Championship.

Harbaugh should've at least added an asterisk, if you ask me. Because now when the full investigation report comes back and Michigan vacates everything since Stallions took office, he's going to need to find a tattoo removal artist as well. But I guess until that moment comes that Harbaugh is on top of the world and he can get all the dumbass tattoos he wants.

Final Note until I revisit this blog on the day the wins are vacated: As much as I hate Harbaugh, you can't deny his sense of humor....even if he doesn't know he's being funny.