
Someone Threw A Chicken Wing On The Court Of The Pelicans Game And Kevin Harlan Gave A Masterclass Call As TNT Immediately Cut To Zion Williamson

What a scene in Sacramento last night. Who cares about the first 46 minutes and 13 seconds of gameplay as it was just the 6 seed and the 8 seed of the Western Conference duking it out....but the last 47 seconds were electric. It all started with a fan who, according to Kevin Harlan, committed the worst crime that humanity has even seen. If you're able to, go listen to his call in the tweet I posted above. For those of you in an office where you can't, here's the transcription:

Somebody's thrown something onto the floor, 46 seconds to go, and the whistle blew. It's a chicken wing! Why would someone throw something that good out on the floor? It's crispy, it's warm, and I almost had to go out and eat it because I'm so hungry.

And then he proceeds to explain that the guy who picked it up probably just put it in a heater to eat later, annnnnnd the ball has been inbounded with 46 seconds to go. An incredible review of a chicken wing, which makes me want to go get some for lunch right now, but his ability to keep that broadcast flowing was truly A+ work.

.....but he's right. Why would you throw a chicken wing onto the court? Last I saw, people were smuggling chicken wings INTO arenas. Not trying to get rid of them!

Either way, credit to Kevin Harlan for the call, and are we giving credit or hate to the TNT cameraman. Chicken wing on the court? Let's immediately cut right to notable fat Zion Williamson for the next 5 seconds.

They did our fat king dirty here. Making it look like he was staring at the wing on the court. Or maybe he was….?

Oh, and for the chicken wing lovers out here in Chicago, come visit me and Mintzy at the Barstool River North Bar next Sunday for a wing eating contest. Not sure why they used this photo of me, but it should be a fun time:
