
The Oakland A's Have Committed The Most Errors Through Five Games By Any Team In Over a Century And Might Have Demoted Their Most Exciting Player Because He Wore Ownership Protest Apparel #WristbandGate

Lachlan Cunningham. Getty Images.

We have once again entered another year of Oakland A's baseball. It's truly something to behold as a rag tag group of relative no-names assemble to attempt to play professional baseball. It's something straight out of the early scenes of Major League. Last night they committed FIVE errors against the Red Sox, on their way to 9-0 drubbing. The highlights are special. 

We're talking historical defense right here. No fundamentals in the slightest, just vibes. 

But the real story is the handling of Esteury Ruiz, who is easily the most exciting guy to watch on the team. Last year he led the AL with 67 stolen bases and was a bright spot for otherwise complete misery in Oakland. The bat was a slow development, but in September he really picked it up and showed signs of improvement. During Oakland's opening series this past weekend he hit .429 with 1.232 OPS. Obviously early numbers that you have to take with a grain of salt, but safe to say he was off to a hot start. 

Ruiz was promptly demoted to AAA. 

Why's that? Could it be #WristbandGate?? Ruiz was seen rocking a Last Dive Bar wristband/bracelet during the games, which is a fan group that hates John Fisher and recently sponsored an anti-ownership fanfest. 


Manager Mark Kotsay attempted to explain that the reasoning for Ruiz's demotion was because they acquired TYLER NEVIN. Whenever you get a chance to demote an exciting young player for Tyler Nevin you gotta do it, hands were tied. Kotsay went as far to say Ruiz was only on the Opening Day roster because of Miguel Andujar's injury. This is impressive lying. 

Here's the GM's version of the events. 

This came a day after he went 2 for 4 with a triple and two runs scored. 


Sure Ruiz has some holes in his swing and needs to get better, but what player on the A's roster is too good for him to not do it up in the big leagues? No one. 

Now let's pull back the curtain a bit here. I want to believe in #WristbandGate because I think John Fisher is the perfect petty loser scumbag to do that sort of thing, but service time manipulation could also very much be in play here. Either way the MLBPA won't love this if they dig in a little. It's funny to think about the A's front office actually caring about service time. As If they actually plan on keeping this dude on the roster six years from now. 

I do want to believe in the wristband story so that the rest of the team does it and they just trade, release, or demote the entire roster. Give us that. I want chaos. Vegas can't wait for these guys to get there!

P.S. Imagine if Kyler Murray chose the A's over the NFL

P.P.S. PFT might be richer than Dave if this keeps up