
The Iowa vs LSU rematch tonight is the biggest game in the history of women's sports

Maddie Meyer. Getty Images.


So I'm flying from Miami to beautiful Albany NY today to watch the rematch of last years Women's National Title game.  It's a game I circled on my calendar the instant the brackets were announced.  Yes it's still insane this isn't a Final 4 matchup, but that's besides the point.  More importantly I'm not sure there is any non Boston/Michigan sporting event that could get me to travel like this besides this one.   I've been waiting for this rematch from the second Angel Reese taunted Caitlin Clark at the end of the National Title game last year. 


Now before this game starts let me say something loud and clear.  I fucking hate LSU and I'm not going to apologize for it.  That doesn't make me racist.  It doesn't make me a bad person.  The bottom line is that from Kim Mulkey to Angel Reese to Flau'jae Johnson they are a cocky, arrogant, obnoxious bunch.  They talk a ton of shit and they generally back it up.  Now I'm not calling them dirty debutants like that LA Times writer did, I'm just saying they are extremely hateable. Sure if I was an LSU fan I'd love them and probably hate Caitlin Clark, but it's the reverse for me. 

Regardless there is a reason tonight will be the most watched women's college basketball game of all time. There is a reason I hopped on a plane to go to Albany.  It's because big personalities, Superstar players and bitter rivalries is what puts assets in the seats.  It doesn't matter if it's the Lakers vs the Celtics, Bad Boy Pistons vs Jordan, Manning vs Brady, Duke vs. Carolina, Michigan vs. Ohio State or in this case Iowa vs LSU. Tonight is everything that makes sports great. You are allowed to hate in sports without it being made into larger societal issues.  LSU has talked to the talk for a a year straight.  Tonight we get to see if they can back it up against the world's greatest player.   It's about Iowa and Caitlin Clark having the rare opportunity to exact revenge for last year and I wouldn't miss it for the world.  Go Hawks!