
Business As Usual: Dan Hurley Celebrated Making The Final Four By Calling UConn Fans Obnoxious As Shit, Defending The Big East

I really don't know how we got to this point, but I love Dan Hurley. I wanted to hate him, I didn't want UConn to have another Jim Calhoun. But every time Hurley talks, he reminds me how much I enjoy lunatics. He ain't wrong either. Everyone does tend to hate UConn because their fans are obnoxious as shit on social media - you all follow Jack Mac and Jeff D Lowe. You all know about how all these UConn fans scream about Storrs South, Storrs East and everything else. They demand respect even though everyone with a brain calls UConn a blueblood and the ridiculous heater they've been on the last 25 years. 

If that's not enough, Hurley will die for the Big East. 

You think you can just tweet out statements saying UConn won't know how to play Illinois? Hey pal, that's asinine. Dan Hurley will never waste a moment to remind you the Big East is full of beasts and monsters. Who cares if he has the biggest one of all in Donovan Clingan, you don't think playing DePaul will have you ready? There's a reason UConn has led by 30 in every NCAA Tournament game. Those games at Georgetown prepare you more than anything else. Chalk a win up for Ed Cooley there. 

When you're just beating the shit out of everyone you gotta find a way to motivate guys I guess? I don't know why someone from an opposing team in any capacity would throw anything like that out there. This is where Hurley is just going to keep using it to his advantage and fans are going to keep being obnoxious as shit. He ain't wrong, but it's also working.