
Welcome To The Show: Japanese Star Yoshinobu Yamamoto Made His Highly Anticipated MLB Debut This Morning And Got His Shit Rocked, Lasting Just One Inning

Masterpress. Getty Images.

If you decided to sleep in a little bit on Thursday in preparation for the war ahead of us with March Madness, then you probably didn't get a chance to see the highly anticipated MLB debut of Japanese star pitcher Yoshinobu Yamamoto. Maybe you thought you'd wake up and get to catch the tail end of a historic masterpiece from the right hander. Yeah not quite. 

Call it first game jitters, being shook after the Ohtani translator gambling story, an off-day, or an opportunity to get the heat off Shohei and focus the attention on him, but it was not Yamamoto's day. 

I think Xander ripping the first pitch he ever threw in a real game for a base hit got him rattled from the jump. 

While Yamamoto's off-speed stuff has been crowned, there is legit concern about his straight fastball and if he'll trust it enough at this stage. Xander being all over that fastball on pitch one sent a message. 

From that point on his command was way off. It was a hit parade for the Fathers.

You know when Tyler Wade is getting two strike, two out hits off you it's Yamaover. 


Once the inning mercifully came to an end Dave Roberts saw enough and called it a night. His final line? 

1 IP | 4 H | 5 ER | 1 BB | 2 K | 43 pitches | 5 whiffs

Immediate notes: Two strikeouts in one inning? The swing and miss stuff is there! 45.00 ERA is something to build on, could have been infinity if we're gonna look at the glass half full. All in all, what a debut. Wonder if Shohei had yes runs in the first.