
The MLB Season Started At 6 AM Eastern Today And I Feel Like Barely Anyone Knew About It

There's a good chance that 84% of the people who read this website knew that the MLB season started this morning before going on social media or checking their sports app to see who won that awful UVA game while they were sleeping. Yes, real life regular season MLB games are being played and these stats count. Meanwhile, the other 28 teams are back in Florida or Arizona. 

I get mixing in International Games, it's a great event...but the fact that they are doing this with basically no marketing and hardcore announcements is standard MLB. I knew the game was happening but I'm also a sicko since I've voluntarily watched like 159 Orioles games every season for the past like 20 years. Not everyone can watch ball like I can, I get it. But I guarantee you there are casual baseball fans who legit have no idea a regular season game just wrapped up. People who pay attention a good amount have no clue it's abut to kick off. How does that happen? Only baseball could do this. 

The regular season debut of Shohei Ohtani in a Dodgers uniform happened at 3:05 am local time for Dodgers fans. THINK ABOUT THAT. Incredible star power all over the field in the Seoul Series in South Korea and you can get your ass up at 5 am central to watch Manny Machado, or 6 am Eastern if you wanted to see if Tatis and Freeman go yard. Of course die hard fans of the Dodgers and Padres are waking up early for this or just staying up but how many casual Padres fans are waking up on the west coast to watch this? I just can't wrap my brain around it.

We have a full week before anyone else starts too! So that not only means spring training games are obviously still going on....but the Padres and Dodgers have to play 2 regular season games in South Korea before flying back to the west coast and then playing 3 final spring training games. In what world does that make sense? 

There are people that will be waking up for their day and the game will be over already. Regular season games, not preseason!  Goodell and the NFL would NEVER do this. Take away eyes from your product by making it super early in the morning due to time difference? My god, that's Manfred's music! And I know this isn't the first time they've done it and it won't be the last. But this concept is just so wild to me, making it super difficult to watch your favorite team play regular season games in 2024. And then switching back to spring games, and then back for Opening Day part II. Baseball baby! Enjoy your Opening Day!
