
Shaka Smart Was Basically Bullied On TV Into Saying Tyler Kolek Would Play In The NCAA Tournament Because Jon Rothstein Texts Him Every Day

I see people clowning Jon Rothstein because of Shaka's comment here, but guess what? Rothstein has the most powerful phone in America. His constant texting just bullied Shaka Smart into saying whether or not Tyler Kolek would play in round 1. That's what daily texts from Rothstein will do to ya. That's how you get the scoop game down. Shaka could have played it off like 'well, I don't know, we're evaluating him' and left it there with the joke. But nope, Rothstein's plan worked again! 

Shaka admitted that Kolek will play as long as there are no setbacks this week. That's a scoop on live TV! We know that Rothstein will text coaches good luck and ask about info, that's just called journalism where I come from. It's investigative journalism at its finest. If anyhing we should be thanking Rothstein for getting an answer out of Shaka, even if it came at the expense of Twitter laughing at him. Plus it's a text message, not a phone call. Credit to Rothstein for that, no one wants to hear their phone ring every day like it's 1998 all over again. 

Now, sure, I like Jon, he's important in the college basketball world. We get info from him and that matters, even if it comes out 5 minutes later. But Jon LOVES college basketball and anybody who is like that is fine in my book. So you know what? We should have Rothstein on the TV asking the hard-hitting questions with the fear of him texting you nonstop if you don't answer. We'd get a lot more info that way. In fact we should be able to submit the questions we need answered to him and let him ask those.