
The Browns Are Hiring Mike Vrabel As A Personnel Consultant...And I'd Have To Assume Ryan Day's Hot Seat Just Got A Little Bit Warmer

Listen I'm not going to sit here and act like hiring a personnel consultant is going to be the reason the Browns win their first ever Super Bowl in franchise history.....

......but I'm also not going to act like it isn't? At the end of the day, the best coach in the NFL, who is already paired with the best GM in the NFL, had just added what is now the best personnel consultant in the NFL to his team. Forget the 3x Super Bowl Champion and 2021 Coach of the Year award, I love the fact that he's coming HOME. Mike Vrabel is Ohio born, Ohio bred, and now he's going to be in Ohio til he's dead hired for another Head Coaching Job next year.

I'm excited for this year he's going to assist us, and I'm thrilled to have him working with our already elite defense and our already elite players like Myles Garrett. But let's be honest with ourselves here....we can't think we've gotten Vrabel for too long, right? And I'm not even just talking about NFL teams that will undoubtedly be calling at some point again, I'm actually talking about someone who has to be SWEATING his ass off right now that his replacement #1 is now just two hours away:

Aaron J. Thornton. Getty Images.

Vrabel has to be like the sun right now...and the fact that Ryan Day is only 2 hours away from the person the entire fan base wants to replace him should he lost to Michigan for an unacceptable FOURTH straight time has to be warming up his already hot seat even more. I'm really trying to not make this Browns blog into an Ohio State blog, but my God, with Vrabel just a short trip up 71N, it's not going to take much for Buckeye fans to start clamoring for him at the first sign of any issues.

So how about we both just don't have any issues this year? The Browns have one of the most talented rosters in the league (although maybe the 4th best QB now in the AFC North?), and the Buckeyes should be an absolute wagon. I can't wait for football season to get here, but also.....back to March Madness streaming.