
A Lesson In Marketing: Jack Black Releases His Own Version Of "Baby One More Time" To Promote Kung Fu Panda 4


That's how you do it, my friends. I didn't even know that was an ad until the very end. I thought I was just watching arguably the most lovable man in America do what he does best - burn the house IYKYK. Seriously though, has there ever been anyone more likable than Jack Black? The Rock, maybe? Tom Hanks? Julia Roberts? I don't know. I feel like all those people play up their persona and Jack Black doesn't. He is his character 100% of the time. The guy has never switched off in his life. Anyway, I almost spit out my drink when I saw KG enter the frame...




He looks like a chubby version of the retired David Letterman. Speaking of, one of my favorite Letterman interviews ever was when Kyle Gass showed up to his show in socks and sandals and Dave immediately called him out on it…

Anything these two do cracks me up. I'd comment on the actual cover of Baby One More Time but I don't need to. His work speaks for itself. Never change, Jack. Never change.