
Matt Rife Is Allegedly Suing The Guy Who Said The Only Reason He Became Successful Is Because He Was Dishing Out Blowjobs All Over Hollywood

Source - Matt Rife seems ready to take a "comedian" to court who accused him of performing a sex act to gain success -- as Matt feels his rep's been harmed ... TMZ has learned.

Sources with direct knowledge tell us Matt and his team have been reaching out to various litigators to see what his best option might be to deal with the salacious claim made by entrepreneur Nima Yamini this week -- including potentially filing a lawsuit against him.

ICYMI ... Nima -- a self-described comedian -- alleged he and Matt were once both brought into a room with two Hollywood execs and promised fame and fortune if they'd perform fellatio on them ... which Nima said he refused, but alleged Matt stayed behind and did the deed.

The original video... 

Matt's name started to trend as a result of this allegation -- and now, we're hearing he feels he's been defamed ... and appears inclined on taking some form of legal action here.

We're told Matt's sick of people using his name to gain clout -- which is obviously how he feels about Nima here, who appears to have no serious track record in comedy -- and our sources say Matt wants to stand up for himself ... especially against something as outlandish as this. 

Let me just say...if all it took was a blowjob to get the kind of success that Matt Rife has experienced in the last year, I would've been famous by the tenth grade. Sure I don't have his bone structure, but I've got a can-do attitude and the tenacity of a Pit Bill. (No offense to Miss Peaches.) In other words, every executive from LA to Napa would've drained. Disgusting? Yes. True? Also yes. What's not true, however, is that Matt Ride "blew" his way into Hollywood. You can tell from the second that guy opens his mouth that he's a scumbag. "Big Neanderthal Energy" as the kids say. He almost reminds me of a poor man's Andrew Tate. A really, really, poor man's Andrew Tate only without any of the "success" or human trafficking charges. 

The whole situation is bizarre. Like I originally wanted to shit on Rife for threatening to sue, but after watching that video I'm kinda on his side. That guy is speaking like it's an absolute truth, which anyone with a brain can see is simply not the case. Actually you know what? Fuck that guy. Sue him him into oblivion. Then give me call if anything in this blog is false. *Kissy face