
Dudes Rock: College Kids Built A Raft And Spend 4-5 Days Every Summer Floating Down The Susquehanna River

Not sure I've ever seen a more dudes rock story than this one. 

We spend all this time discussing how we need to help men with their mental health and whatnot, when all men need is an American flag and a float. It's the simple things. We make it all too complicated.

SOURCE- It's made out of two by fours and barrels to keep them afloat. the adventure is a summertime tradition the northeastern pennsylvania natives started back in 2018. 

"It started off just 2 pallets by 3 pallets all together real small. just every year we made it bigger and better and now it's triple decker," explained Stang. 

"Quite a few challenges, some trees that would try to take down the flag poles or the third deck but it really is sturdy even to stand on the whole time, it weathered well," said Parkston Myers of Lake Winola.

If you were wondering how they eat:

"A bunch of coolers, we got a propane grill, we got speakers, a bunch of chairs and food, lots of food with a whole lot of space.. it's been a good time and most importantly friends, said Stang.  

Absolutely phenomenal. 

"This is our entertainment, instead of going to bars or something on the weekends we hang out together and we do things that are wholesome in our minds," said Kazmierczak.

Although I'm glad these guys are enjoying their time on the float, this is kind of a hardo statement not gonna lie. Congrats on building a float. Real cool. That being said, don't come for the common man going to the bars. You got zero bitches on that float. We may not talk to them at the bar, but at least we can.