
Could You Date a Girl That Knows More Ball Than You?

I'll be the first one to admit that my testosterone goes through the roof when a cute girl is talking to me about sports, but could I ever date a girl that knows more ball than me? Absolutely not. That's what I have my boys for. I've been debating sports since my 6th-grade lunch table. I don't need to come home and debate my girlfriend about whether or not Tua is a franchise quarterback. In a perfect world, your girl knows enough about the game to understand what's going on, but not enough to debate you on it. Imagine going to bed angry at each other because she thinks LeBron is the GOAT? Couldn't be me.

Let's take this a step further. If I'm marrying someone, not only is she taking my last name, but she's taking all my favorite teams as well. I'd rather a group of wasps sting me in my eyes until I become legally blind than be married to a girl who's chanting "let's go Buffalo" every Sunday. I don't know what it is but there's something special about seeing the person you loved wearing your favorite team's merch. It also creates conflict when you have kids. You got me FUCKED up if you think lil Smoke is going to be walking around in anything but Dolphins gear. Part of what makes sports special is being able to pass down your love for a team to the next generation, even if that team has 0 playoff wins in 24 years and breaks your heart every single year.

That's my take, would love to hear yours in the comments below!