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Dear Barstool Editors, You're Built Different

Lol, this video has nothing to do with my blog. I just thought it was hilarious. I already blogged it but still.

Anyway, I was drunk talking with Corey a couple of weeks ago, and I pitched him this idea of a dating/lifestyle show with Megan Makin Money and myself, and he loved it. The only catch was that I'd have to edit it. Initially, my heart sank. I don't know the first thing about editing. I opened Premiere once in high school, and the anxiety that ran through my body was worse than any Sunday Scaries that I've had in my life.

After spitting on myself in the mirror, I mustered up the strength to face my fear, and I said, 'Fuck it, I'll do it.' Thankfully, I work with amazing people such as Corey, Zuppe, Fasoli, and all the other talented editors in the office, and they answered all my annoying first-grade questions with a smile on their face. I never felt like I deserved a beer more in my life than after my first day of editing. You guys are CRACKED out of your mind. I clipped a 30-minute show and felt like I ran a marathon. Imagine having to edit PMT or Surviving Barstool? I don't know how you guys do it, and you definitely don't get the credit you deserve. Editors are like the offensive linemen on a football team; no one talks about them, but without them, the team would be nothing. So shoutout to all the editors here at Barstool; you guys are truly built different.

Also, check out me and Megan's new show/page lol?