Things You Love To See - Watch This Young Braves Fan Go Nuts When He Wins A Signed Bat From His Favorite Player, Ronald Acuña Jr.
How great is this? Father and son go to their local card shop for a little Topps Hobby Rip Night and who knew this little kid would make a lifetime memory on that visit? Looks like there was a raffle for a bat from one of the most electric players in baseball, Ronald Acuña Jr., he also happens to be this little guys favorite player so you could imagine how bad he wanted to win this. They call the winners name and bam, the kid goes absolutely wild. Immediate elation from the little guy and his dad, Matt Logan. Such a cool moment for them, a core memory that neither of them will never forget. The jumping up and down, the fist pumps, and then he grabs that bat with the strength of 1,000 men. No shot he was letting that thing out of his hands.
Pure joy and happiness between a father and a son, truly what makes sports the best. My favorite is how he starts bawling his eyes out after a few seconds and he and his dad have that little embrace. The primal screams coming from them was pretty funny too. Seems they've got a nice connection thanks to the card collecting hobby but now you can bet your ass this kid will forever be into cards. He even told his dad he was going to pass that bat down to this son when he has kids and they turn 10.
Sports man, they're the best. Can guarantee this kid is going to try and bring the bat to school on Monday though, he for sure wants to show this thing off. Who had a better weekend than these two? Nobody. Cool moment between father and son, such a cool reaction to have captured on camera as well. Going to a card shop on a weekend to open some cards and leave with a signed bat from your favorite player. Somethings.