Scottie Pippen, Horace Grant And Luc Longley Are Having Their Own "No Bull Tour" So They Can Tell Their Side Of The Last Dance Story

Ah yes, exactly what everyone was clamoring for the second The Last Dance hit the airwaves. Don't lie to yourself, when you were watching that doc you undoubtedly said to yourself
"I wonder what Luc Longley thinks about this whole thing?"
It's impossible not to really. We already know Horace Grant's and Scottie Pippen's feelings over what came out
so something tells me this isn't exactly going to be an "honest" and "unbiased" tour. Seems to me like they have a bit of an axe to grind against MJ but hey, maybe it'll make for some great clips.
Perhaps the craziest part of all of this is the fact that The Last Dance came out nearly 4 years ago. Remember when the internet successfully bullied ESPN into releasing it early since we were all going crazy in the early stages of quarantining? It came out on April 19th and little did we know we were just getting started when it came to being trapped inside, but man what an event that was. It was perhaps one of the rare times the entire internet collectively joined hands and were all on the same side in order to get something done. What a moment.
In terms of this tour? Here's how I imagine MJ reacting to seeing that clip
You see, we all already know that The Last Dance was heavily influenced by MJ and was certainly slanted as more of a pro-MJ doc than anything. Guess what?
Nobody cares!
It was still an awesome series that filled a very important need at the time. I'm sure there are two sides to every story, but coming out years later like this in order to "tell your side of the story" to me feels more like they want to continue to ride the coattails of MJ here in 2024. We know, MJ was a dick and playing with him was probably brutal. You also won a shit ton of titles, so it seems like a decent trade off.
Now, will I find a way to watch clips of this tour? Absolutely. But I'm a sucker for any type of basketball documentary/tour where we get to go back in time and talk about the past. I'm just not sure what they think this is going to accomplish. Is the idea that people will see this tour and change their minds about Scottie Pippen's actions during that era? I mean, they can say their own sides to what we were told, but we all saw what happened. I'm not exactly sure this changes anything, but oh well you might as well sell some tickets and make a little money off it.
I also don't think anyone is going to be changing their opinion of MJ either. What could we possibly learn that would shock anyone? That MJ was a tough teammate? That he was the root of certain problems? OK and? Again, we all pretty much know the deal when it comes to MJ, and in a situation like this where a tour that "tells the truth" about that era is coming 4 years after the initial doc, it just feels like a money grab more than anything else, which is fine. Get your money while you can I guess.