JJ Redick Is Sick And Tired Of Doc Rivers Whining, Eviscerates Him For Never Taking Accountability, Throwing His Players Under The Bus
I mean, he's right. Nobody would argue against JJ Redick in this point. All we've heard about from Doc is how hard it is to take over a team in the mid-season. I don't know man, seems like maybe you should figure out how to use Giannis and Dame out there? I know I'm just a blogger but I'd start there. Seems pretty easy when you have the two of them on offense.
What I really want to know is how long was JJ sitting on this? He played for Doc. He knows Doc well. He took over his job when Doc left for the Bucks. He was just waiting for the perfect opportunity to go off on him. No better time than when everyone has moved on from bitching about the All-Star Game and we're waiting for the regular season to start again. Might as well get ahead of the story. Granted, this has been a Doc Rivers theme for years.
And on and on we go. Dude gets a lot of chances for winning 1 title and blowing a lot of series leads. Remember when the story came out that he wouldn't let Tim Duncan's family travel on the Magic plane? If that's 100% true, he never should have had a coaching job again. Little secret, no matter the job, sport, whatever, the stars get the benefit of the doubt. I'd personally let a top-10 player of all time do whatever he wants if that means he's joining my team.
I still can't believe I'm saying this consider how much I fucking hated Duke JJ Redick, but I'd listen to him just shit talk people for an hour. Let him going without interruption and see what he says. He's not afraid to say what's on his mind, right or wrong. He'll have no problems calling out Doc Rivers for being a whiny bitch, essentially. Get him going about whatever and let it all out.

That said, I can't wait for the Bucks to choke and see what Doc Rivers says. We know only two people are likely to be safe from taking blame here. Giannis and Thanasis.