Fair Or Foul: Woman Refuses To Leave A Tip Because The Waitress Called Her Husband "Sweetheart"
I love that every single time one of these videos goes viral it's from some conservative Twitter account that take a break from political posting to enrage hundreds of thousands of people on the Internet with stuff like this. I don't put it past "Constitutional Gator" to be the person who filmed this knowing it was going to go nuclear.
Regardless, this woman would hate Hispanic restaurants because sweetheart is just about the least offensive thing you'll hear if you're her. They're calling you baby, love, etc and don't think twice about it. Or this is what I would imagine in legitimately any Southern city in the country. I haven't learned a lot in my days, but one of the things I have is that you should never trust anyone who handwrites at a Kindergarten level.
I feel like I saw a similar video like a year ago, and sure enough, a search led me to a scholarly Marty Mush article on it:
Is this just a trend now? Defend your man at every turn and make sure to film it to go viral? It'd be a lot funnier if this was just the same woman going around some Southern town and leaving this note every single time they said that to her man. I propose jail time for the lack of tipping, but etiquette is a different blog for a different day. And they're laughing to the bank with that Twitter revenue Elon is giving them for the post with 3 million views and counting. For shame.