I Have a Confession: Single Women in Their Early 30’s Have My Heart

I'm either late to the party or this simply ain't being talked about enough: going out with women in their early 30's is ELITE. Now, I know some of you might be thinking, "Aren’t they ran through?" Hear me out, though: As a 24-year-old dude who's been around the block, I've come to realize that women in their early 30's are far superior than women in their early 20's. So grab a drink, sit back, and let me break it down for you.
First off, these women have their shit together. They have careers, ambition, and a self confidence about them that gets me every time. You don't have to sit there and play games with them. These women know what they want. You don't have to sit there and play 21 questions, or hear stupid remarks like, "do you say this to every girl?" (You're damn right I do, but this is the first time you're hearing it so zip it). They've been there, done that, they know what it is lol…
That's why they're miles ahead in the bedroom. No one wants to sleep with a dead fish! Let's call it what it is, they've had more time to, shall we say, hone their skills? They know what they like and they're not afraid to teach you either lol…. Oh, and let's not forget about the little things, like not having to worry about being quiet because her roommate is home.
Going out with women in their early 30s might not be everyone's cup of tea, but, right now, it's the only cup of tea I'm ordering. It's like being in middle school and ordering a double chocolate chip frappuccino for the first time. Once you went frap, you never went back. And that's how I feel right now. Once you go 30, you never wanna go early. Catch phrase is still a work in progress, but you get the point.
So, for all my fellow mid-twenty studs, ditch the annoying baby sitting bullshit, and get in line for the dirty 30's. I promise you, this is the way.