
LeBron Saying He's "Not Comfortable With Praise" Might Be His Best Lie To Date


I'm not a LeBron hater. In fact as his career has gone on I've found him more likable and endearing than ever. There's no denying his greatness on the court, and his greatness off the court is measured in memes, moments, and lies. This dude will say *anything* he wants, he doesn't care if it's easily fact-checkable or what. He'll just spew stuff out of nowhere and expect nobody to call him out on it. He has an meme dedicated to how full of shit he can be



because he'll just say shit, and it's great. That's the part of him I find endearing. 


But today's takes the cake. LeBron saying he's "not comfortable with praise" has me crying laughing. There's legit zero evidence from his 20+ years in the spotlight that suggests that man doesn't LOVE praise. And there's nothing wrong with that! Who doesn't love praise?! Who doesn't love glitter?! But for some reason LeBron decided to say the opposite. It's amazing. There's no rhyme or reason why he says what he says, but it's hilarious. This is the same guy who makes IG posts for himself to congratulate himself on records and milestones! He calls himself the King and the GOAT! 

Not comfortable with praise is such a HOF quote from him. This only makes me love LeBron more. 


PS: As for the farewell tour, I doubt he will have a choice. Teams will definitely just honor him before his final road game in their city regardless of what he says. But we all know he wants that so badly. SO BADLY.
