
Young Soccer Fan Hits Halftime Penalty And Runs Over To Rival Fans To Give Middle Finger

English kids, specifically football fans, age 10x faster than American kids. This kid is probably already in the pub playing darts like Luke Littler: 

It's not even just in the looks, but the banter. This kid running over to the away end to give them the middle finger? That's truly top tier stuff from this lad:

Another thing the Brits do better than us is having an away end in every stadium. Putting all the away fans in one area just makes sense. Plus, the sounds of an away end when there is a goal are iconic.  

This clip reminds me of the young Leicester City fan from earlier in the year:

These kids are just built different. When our kids are having orange slices and learning anti-bullying techniques, the English kids are learning top-tier trash talk. 

Both these kids would be put into sensitivity training if they did this at a Lions game. In England, these two lads become stars.