If You Still Hate On Taylor Swift Being A Part Of Football After This Super Bowl Commercial You Have No Heart In Your Body

Oh my god. Immediate tears from me mixed with pure anger towards anyone who has EVER talked shit about Taylor Swift being shown on a screen at a football game. How can you see this video of a father and a daughter finding common ground and spending quality time - OVER FOOTBALL - and have the nerve to say anything negative? Maybe it's too difficult a concept for some men's small fucking pea brains, but I hope you can at LEAST relate to "wanting to spend quality time with your parent" and "needing something to bond over." Taylor Swift, whether you like it or not, is bringing fathers, daughters and entire FAMILIES together in a way that they've never been before. 

I feel like all I've done over the past 6 months when it comes to this football argument is repeat myself over and over again - Taylor Swift is not the problem. The people who have a problem with HER, are the problem. It makes me so angry to think about, not because I'm some "celebrity obsessed psycho," but because to me and to a lot of her fans, she represents what a lot of women have to go through on a daily basis. On a much larger scale, of course, but the shades of gray always come out the same in the end. She's consistently discredited, cut down and devalued for ABSOLUTELY NO REASON AT ALL. The subtle ridicule, the "jokes" that are almost always just sexist and repugnant, and the people who laugh and excuse all of that behavior. They tell you to "lighten up" if you question it, "it's just a joke. You don't get it." I wish I didn't have to say this a universal issue that women (mostly, alone) deal with, but when is the last time you've EVER seen a man/male celebrity treated this way for absolutely no reason?

We as fans see Taylor handling the hate, lies, rumors, embarrassment - the list is endless - at the hands of loud men and clueless women, with a level of grace and strength that we can only wish to achieve. When she wins, we win. When she loses, we mourn with her. When she's targeted, we're defensive. Its undeniable that she's an incredible role model for girls and women everywhere, and I hope that this commercial makes anyone who went out of their way to spread hate about her, feel like a real fucking asshole.