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The Ed Cooley Disaster Rolls On - Doesn't Even Care About Winning, Too Busy Yelling At Students That He's 'Rich As A Motherfucker. Rich As Shit'

The downfall continues. Not only did Georgetown lose (again), Ed Cooley is now fighting with the Seton Hall student section. My Lord, Frank wasn't even there so how bad can one chirp you? You have a fanbase in Georgetown just begging to look decent, anything really. They just want the good old days back. Now you pay Ed Cooley a shit ton of money - his words, he's rich - and this is what he has to say? This guy? 

Dude sitting by himself on the bench now hated by his hometown fans who were ready to build a statue for him. Now getting into fights about money with students? Doesn't even care about winning. He's got $7 million per win and that's all that matters to him. Going great! Oh, and Georgetown lost again. A solid 8-16 on the year. Hey, at least they beat Coppin State and played Holy Cross to a 1-point loss. Growth. 

Then again, can we be surprised by a man who is known as a traitor? Apparently winning doesn't matter for a Georgetown coach, might as well talk about money. Maybe win a couple games, even ones that don't matter and you can talk some shit. Jim Calhoun gets praised for not a dime back because he turned UConn into a blueblood. Shit, even Kevin Ollie can talk shit, he has a title. Boeheim was allowed to be a grumpy prick because he at least had Carmelo and Craig Forth. Little advice there. 

Divine Providence some would say