
A Crazy Guy Has Climbed Up The Las Vegas Sphere, But Has No Idea How To Get Down

This man deserves an award. Climbing up a circle is damn near impossible, but how the fuck is he going to get down? Imagine this guy was just on a bachelor party and his wife turns on the TV and just sees this drunk bastard climbing the sphere? 

The best part of this is guys never think about what happens when you actually accomplish something. He probably told some of his boys that he can do this, wanted to prove it, and didn't think about his plan after completing the task. 

He just looks so lonely up there and is so high up it is fucking crazy. I also think he's probably a drunk moron and and a person. The fact that he got up there by himself and made it safely, maybe we don't put him in jail as long. Kinda like in Achorman when Ron tells Baxter he's not even mad, just impressed. He didn't bother anyone and gave us all entertainment, so don't put him in jail for too long. 

No way when they constructed the Sphere did they think someone would climb up the bastard. Are they just gonna scoop him up with a helicopter? If they do I need to see the rescue mission. It should be live on TV for all of us to watch. 

I think this salary might need to be in the 200K range after this. 


I will update everyone if I find out the safety plan.