Apparently Prada Thinks I’m An Asshole
So as I’ve gotten rich beyond my wildest dreams I tend to shop in fancier places from time to time. Mostly for suits that I wear to horse races and stuff like that. So I think like a year ago I bought a suit from Prada. Now whenever you buy something at a nice story they have sales associates that will stay in touch with you and send you clothes that they think may match your style. The Gucci lady in the Hamptons is great at it with me. She’ll text me out of the blue with something new every few months and I’d say I buy it like 50% of the time. Well today the Prada rep send me this text.

Yikes. Maybe the most insulting text I’ve ever received. Carlos just calling me an asshole directly to my face. Well the joke is on you Carlos. You just made my hate list.