This Absolutely PSYCHOTIC Couple Cut The Soles Out Of All Their Shoes So They Can Go Barefoot All The Time But Blend In With Us Shoe-Wearers
We're all reminded of this constantly, but the internet has made people far too comfortable sharing things that they should be ashamed to have anyone know about them. Like 25 years ago, maybe you run into some yokel on the street who wants to tell you about his barefoot lifestyle and how great it is, but he couldn't broadcast his oddities to millions of people instantaneously. Today, unfortunately, we have this information beamed into our brains against our will from freaks like this couple.
"Since some businesses don't want us being completely barefoot, if we cut off the bottoms of our shoes, it would allow us to be barefoot while blending in with everyone else." Hey asshole, those businesses — as well as the rest of us — don't want you doing that either. When Sephora employees pleaded with you to wear shoes, I'm pretty sure they meant the whole things.
And while I don't really want to ever have a conversation with these people, I'd sure be curious to see a list of these supposedly amazing benefits of walking barefoot all the time. Contracting tetanus? Being banned from so many places you have to hatch a plan to conduct your lifestyle in secret? Maybe there are plenty of incredible rewards that we shoe-wearers just can't see.
I hope this Sephora and every other business within a 50-mile radius issue a permanent ban to this couple until they put on actual shoes. No more commerce until your fucking toes are covered.