Alyssa Milano ($10 Million Net Worth) Is Asking For Your Help Via GoFundMe To Send Her Son's Baseball Team To Cooperstown
Get the fuck outta here. I had to do a double and triple take to make sure that this wasn't a fake account and/or that she wasn't hacked, but nope, that's Alyssa Milano asking her followers to do what they can to pitch in a few bucks to help her son and his baseball team go to Cooperstown. Quick reminder for everyone who is wondering who Alyssa Milano is or what her net worth is:
Listen, not by experience, but I'm sure it's hard to be filthy rich sometimes because anyone that needs anything probably asks you for it. Aunts probably wanting a new car, cousins probably thinking you'll pay the downpayment on their house, etc, etc. I truly do think that would be annoying, and even if you have 10 million, you can't pay for everybody's EVERYTHING.
…..but you can pay for your son to play in his youth baseball tournament. Especially when the cost of the entire team to go is……$10,000.
That is laugh out loud funny that not only did the team start a GoFundMe, but Alyssa posted it on her Twitter asking her 3.4 million followers to help out. How tone deaf can you be???? And the people in the replies can literally fuck themselves. "You do so much for so many people". WHAT? Pay the $10,000! Do that for the people. Don't ask your Twitter followers to do it.
Does she think she's teaching her son a lesson here or something? I know Mom is rich but we're going to do this like everyone else. We're going to beg for money.