An American Hero Ate Nothing But Costco Food Court Hot Dogs For A Week Straight And The Results Were INCREDIBLE
Would you look at that? While the rest of the world was trying to stick to their New Years Resolutions of losing weight and saving money by robbing themselves of happiness, Sir Yacht stuffed his face with a delicious 1/4 pound PLUS hot dog that is so cheap it feels like stealing for a week straight then killed those two resolution birds with one stone. I know it may not come the traditional way. But as a former Barstool employee once famously said, numbers never lie. No wonder Costco's cofounder uttered those infamous words back in the day.
When Costco president W. Craig Jelinek once complained to Costco co-founder and former CEO Jim Sinegal that their monolithic warehouse business was losing money on their famously cheap $1.50 hot dog and soda package, Sinegal listened, nodded, and then did his best to make his take on the situation perfectly clear. "If you raise [the price of] the effing hot dog, I will kill you," Sinegal said. "Figure it out."
Taking his words to heart, Jelinek—who became Sinegal's successor in 2012—has never raised the price on Costco's hot dog. Incredibly, it has sold for the same $1.50 since the retail club first introduced the dogs to customers in 1984. The quarter-pound, all-beef tube and 20-ounce soda combo appears to be inflation-proof and immune to the whims of food distributors.
Not only did Jim Sinegal realize that Costco's $1.50 hot dog and soda is the last bastion of economic hope in a hopeless world. He also knew that it's a super food. Actually I'm going to call Costco hot dogs a super duper food since the swill that are usually called super foods don't taste nearly as good as a Costco hot dog and cost a hell of a lot more not to mention don't come with a free soda with unlimited refills to go along with numbers on the scale going down (please ignore all the other numbers that likely came after this week like cholesterol, blood pressure, and number of dumps taken).
You can barely feed a family of four at a fast food joint for $45 in today's economy. Yet this dude ate comfortably on less than that, which is another reason why Costco's glizzy is the GOAT (I hate the word glizzy but I love alliteration even more, which is the only reason I added that line there).