
Connor Stalions Drove To Ohio State To Take A Picture Outside Their Stadium With A National Champions Hat And Roses

No, Barstool social team, this is not a "master troll" move. This confirms that Conor Stalions is a fucking weirdo. An unemployed weirdo with too much time on his hands that he drove to Columbus, Ohio and posted up outside The Shoe in freezing temperatures to get a few clicks. Either that or he was looking for a ticket refund on all the unused games he paid for this year. Either way, this move sucks. 

And listen, I've been saying since Day 1 that I both love and respect Conor Stalions. I said it on the day the story first broke....

I don't know what you expected when you clicked on this blog, but if you thought I was going to go scorched Earth on Harbaugh and Michigan for this, then I'm sorry to disappoint you. I'm not mad at Michigan at all for this operation. I'm only mad if Ohio State isn't doing the same.

....and I said it again when they won the National Championship.

 Listen, it goes without saying that I hate Michigan, but something in my heart is not letting me hate Connor Stalions. I actually respect the fuck out of Connor Stalions. There's nothing he wouldn't do to give Michigan a competitive advantage. Whether it was to buy tickets across the sidelines at Big 10 games across the country or purchase a Central Michigan polo and get sunglasses with cameras in them for when he sneaks on the sidelines, there were no lengths that were too far for Connor Stalions. He just wanted to see his Wolverines win.

Anyone who is willing to do ANYTHING to see their team wins gets a tip of the cap from me, so the fact that Michigan and Conor Stalions ran the most rampant cheating scandal this sport has ever seen should get nothing but the utmost applause. I mean, Jim Harbaugh had lost a million times in a row to Ohio State, and he knew that he either needed to cancel the 2020 game due to "Covid" and hire a Navy Seal to spy on the Buckeyes, or he would be fired. He chose the former, and I respect him for doing whatever it takes to win. And it completely paid off. He won 3 straight Big 10 titles, beat Ohio State all 3 years, won a National Championship, and now gets to ride off into the sunset in the NFL as a Michigan legend. I just hope that Ryan Day is taking notes. Because if we aren't cheating right now, shame on us. I really hope a report comes out one day that what Michigan did was comparable to writing answers on the inside of your calculator cover compared to the full fledged, world wide cheating scandal the Buckeyes have cooking right now. We better be cheating. We need it.

Anyways, point being, I have supported Connor Stalions since this story broke, and I truly think that he deserves a statue outside The Big House. Who has been more influential to the resurgence of Michigan Football than Connor Stalions? But this move of "trolling" Ohio State outside their stadium makes him look like more of a loser than the Buckeyes.

You want clicks, Connor? RELEASE THE MANIFESTO!