
Absolutely Insane Video As An Arlington House Blows Up Like A Scene Out Of A Movie


Last night around 8:30 reports began of a huge explosion in Ballston, a neighborhood in Arlington, VA. The explosion was seen and felt from miles away, and nobody knew what happened. 

Then reports started coming in that someone was firing a flare gun, and perhaps shooting at the cops before the house blew up.




Not great, right? 

And then finally, the video of the house blowing up. I didn't post it until now because at first it seemed like the cops were in the house and we had a tragic loss of life. Thankfully we have now learned this morning 6 people were transferred to the hospital with non-life threatening injuries, and the suspect (more on him in a bit) is thought to have died in the explosion. 

Ok, now for the explosion. I don't think the video is NSFW, it looks like a scene out of a movie, but I guess be warned regardless?



Freaking nuts. That's what Kirk wants to do to Jeff D Lowe's parents house. Thank goodness none of the cops were inside.

Which brings us to why they were there in the first place. Buckle up!


Dude was posting on his LINKEDIN profile how much he hates the government, that's how you know he's crazy. He'd had previously run-ins with the FBI, had been hospitalized for his mental health, and basically was your standard conspiracy theory loving crazy person who got too lost in the sauce and then blew up his own house. Also interesting that he accused his neighbors of being spies, which is what my old neighbor who was addicted to meth also did.


All in all a pretty wild story. Glad everyone besides the nutjob is safe.